Celebration of Alex Talavera's Life
April 22, 1968 Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
February 12, 2021 Mansfield, Texas, United States of America
Sunday, February 28, 2021
11:30 a.m. Pat Oreilly (English)
Great and longtime friend, he was Alex team leader at Chili's where Alex became a Manager. He motivated Alex to pursue his dream of having his own company, Talavera's Power Washer in 2004. This is the year when Alex also became an American citizen.
Gran amigo por mucho tiempo, Pat era lider del equipo de trabajo en Chili's, donde Alex se convirtio en Manager. Pat impulso a Alex a realizar su sueno de tener su propia compania, Talavera's Power Washer en el 2004. En este mismo ano Alex tambien logro la ciudadania Americana.
12:30 p.m. Celebrating Life (Spanish)
Celebrando la Vida.
Capellan Alberto Magana.
1:30 p.m. Rosary (English)
Mrs. Astrid Gines (Alex and Angie's Friend).
4:00 p.m. Celebration of the Holy Scriptures (Spanish)
Celebracion de la Palabra
Padre Oscar Sanchez.
5:15 p.m. Rosary (Spanish)
Angie Talavera (Beloved and Alex always called me "My Beautiful Wife").
6:00 p.m. Songs especially dedicated to Alex.
Canciones especialmente dedicadas para Alex.
Esmeralda M. Juarez and Beto Aguayo at the guitar.
(Alex and Angie's Friends)
In Loving Memory
Thank you all very much for sharing your love and friendship with us. Many thanks for your prayers, support and being part of my wonderful and beloved husband Alex's life.
Muchas gracias a todos por compartir su amor y amistad con nosotros. Muchisimas gracias por sus oraciones, su apoyo y por ser parte de la vida de Alex mi maravilloso y amado esposo.
Angie Talavera
Alex will be buried in Mexico. There will be a short farewell celebration coming soon. Information will be available in Alex's Facebook page and Wade Family Funeral Home website (wadefamilyfuneralhome.com).
Alex sera sepultado en Mexico. Tendremos una celabracion de despedida en las proximas semanas. La informacion estara disponible en la pagina de Facebook de Alex y en la pagina de Wade Family Funeral Home (www.wadefamilyfunerahome.com).
Wade Family Funeral Home
(817) 274-9233